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Subwavelength vacuum lattices and photon-mediated atomic interactions in photonic crystals
Subwavelength vacuum lattices and photon-mediated atomic interactions in photonic crystals
Authors: A. González-Tudela, C.-L. Hung, D. E. Chang, I. Cirac and H. J. Kimble
Journal Ref: arXiv:1407.7336 (2014), Nature Photonics 9, 320-325 (2015).
We propose the use of photonic crystal structures to design subwavelength optical lattices in two dimensions for ultracold atoms by using both Guided Modes and Casimir-Polder forces. We further show how to use Guided Modes for photon-induced large and strongly long-range interactions between trapped atoms. Finally, we analyze the prospects of this scheme to implement spin models for quantum simulation. A. González-Tudela et al.